When it get wet.... for years, we suffer from water pouring off from the aircond linkages behind the center dash; again FOR YEARS!! I tried so many air-cond shops, and their answers are; "your air-cond is just too cold", thats why the hoses condensate, maybe. Until one last visit to Ah Ming, Sri Muda (tribute to him) recently, he adviced for complete servicing and cleaning of the cooling coil, and also the a/c drain hose.
Initially I am a bit worried of his capability; is he familiar enough with VOLVOs as they deal mostly with local and Japan made cars. And throughout the work, I know he can do it, he know his stuffs well. Upon dismantle the cooling coil, you can expect a problem from a bunch of wires that located just next to the coil. This is quite a challenge, to slowly bring out the cooling coil, without damaging the wires; and this took most of the time!!

After few weeks, I noticed water started to come back. Know what?? I took out the rubber mats, replace with newspaper only. Then I can clearly see where is the water came from. I am surprised!! My windscreen!! It leaks!! For both sides!! For driver's and passenger's side :(

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