OK, lets jump straight to how to replace the instrument bulb. I did these procedures in less than half an hour. If you are a beginner, it may consume more than that, but don't worry, this is just a simple stuff. Here are the procedures. I made in point forms and with some pictures as a guide;
-First, remove screws (philips type) and clips that hold the center dash with the side kick panel for both left and right hand side. I marked them with 'A' and 'B' on the picture. If you are unsure of where these screws and clips are, it was located just under the steering column area and the glove box area.
-Then, remove another 2 screws (philips type) located just below the radio compartmet (if you installed your radio there) or just parallel to the gear stick. I labelled them as 'C' and 'D' on the picture.
-At this point you may bring forward the center dash slowly. It doesn't need to be taken out. All wires attached to it also need not to be disconnected. Just bring the dash forward to allow some room to access those bulbs. Browse trough for BLACK & BROWN wires, they hold the bulb socket. Once you identified the socket, you can just pull it forward out from the dash. Given that there is a lot of wires going around that area, it is best done by using a long nose plier. There are 3 such sockets and bulbs; behind the TEMP knob, behind the FAN SWITCH KNOB, and above the HAZARD BUTTON row. Pull them out of that hairwire area to enable a more comfortable working environment, as shown in the pictures. Again, no need to disconnect any wires!
-Then it is just a straight forward task. Pull the bulb out from the socket. It might be quite tight in there, but not extremely tight. Just use your fingers. Be patient, thats all. Install replacement bulbs and test them by turning on the parking lamp, they should turn on. Then just reassemble everything. Reassemble is just reverse the disassembling process :))
Guys, this is just a guide, of course I may not be able to take pictures on each and every single tiny miny stuffs, common sense is enough. Anything just contact me. GOOD LUCK!!
Ajar tukar light bulb bilik boleh?, hehehe...
Do you know the bulb type? I've heard they are 12 volt, 3 watt no. 555 bulbs?
An Informative blog on replacing center dash bulbs in Volvo .
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Looking for which bulbs they were brought me here, and I can see others needing the same info, taking them out one had the code on them, they are 286 bulbs. These are 12v 2.2w and 18mm long :)
Typo they are 1.2w, sorry fat thumbs
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