I told the air-cond man that it was just 1 month time before all gas leaked out. He asked if I have something 'smelly' from the air-cond vent, the answer is NO. If there was some 'smelly' stuff, it may indicate that the cooling coil have leakages. However he insisted that this Volvo 240 cooling coil rarely leaks, but due to old age, nothing is impossible.
He and his assistant proceed to conduct some sort of compression test by putting gas on the system. They read from the pressure gauge that there was a leak. Theay used some soapy foam, apply them all over the hoses to find the leakage but to no avail. The air-cond man then decided to just run the compression test on the compressor only. Confirmed! Compressor got leakages. He recommended me to overhaul the compressor, change all seals, gaskets, and o-rings. They did it in about 2 hours and everything settled.
The main symptom of leaking compressor is that you can always see oil on the magnetic clutch area, and also some oil residue in the engine bay nearby the compressor. Actually this is a recond-unit compressor which I just changed slightly about a year ago, and I know now that the compressor supplied to me is not that good. However, am happy with the air-cond system now! :))

p/s - this is not my real compressor..ehehehhe...
buruk nye gambar, kabur2 lagi tu...
Sapa la yg ambik gambar ni...
sorry for the pic quality... just using normal handphone camera :)
I would greatly appreciate if you can keep looking for a Volvo 240/740 Auto under RM6K for me.
Thank you,
kat mana duduk compressor ni? hee. bengan betul takde aircond. org tua kata byk kali dah repair..pastu tak lama. mana la yang buat bagus ye.
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